The Resonate Podcast with Aideen

New You Meditation

Aideen Ni Riada

Have you ever felt held back by your past experiences or by how others perceive you?

Deep down, you know there’s more to life, and when you’re not expanding into your potential, it can feel frustrating—even discouraging.

But what if you could release those old limitations and step into the best version of yourself?

The New You Meditation is a 20-minute guided journey to help you:

Connect with your unique gifts and recognize your true potential
Let go of the past and the identity that no longer serves you
Create new neural pathways that support your growth and confidence
Relax self-doubt and fully embody the energy of your next level
Open space for new insights and opportunities to flow into your life

We don’t always have someone who can hold our vision for who we truly want to become.

This meditation allows you to feel into that best version of yourself—because feeling it makes you a magnet for it.

Find a quiet place to sit or lie comfortably, press play, and let yourself step into the new you.

Your next chapter starts now.

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Aideen Ni Riada:

receiving your breath, releasing your breath, feeling into your belly, noticing any feeling in your tummy. Sometimes, when we're making changes, there's an anticipation Butterflies. Making changes there's an anticipation butterflies allowing your belly to relax a little more, relaxing your belly, beautiful, letting your shoulders drop down, letting your face relax, your eyes, your ears, cheeks, letting your legs feel heavy, letting the chair support you. We're just going to imagine that we're standing in front of an elevator and it's one of those old fashioned elevators, but it's just standing in the middle of nowhere. You're wondering what this elevator can do. Is it going to go up in the air, like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Is it going to go down? It's exciting, interesting, imagining this elevator now, imagining the button on the outside to open the door and as you press the button it makes that noise, a noise that you recognise and the door is open pretty slowly and you're looking around, going. That you recognize. And the door is open pretty slowly and you're looking around going hmm, am I getting in? But you know you want to get in, that you're ready for an adventure. So you're stepping into the elevator, turning back towards the door, noticing the walls Maybe they're shiny or padded and looking at the buttons, you see that there are 10 levels. Going down, you're on zero and there's a minus 10. You're just going to press the minus 10 button going all the way down. So as you press that button, the doors close gently and the elevator starts to move slowly but surely. And as it passes each of the other floors, you're noticing a little ding. As it goes to minus one, minus two, and as you go down you're feeling more relaxed and you're leaving yourself behind the old identity. Minus four, minus five. You're feeling very free. Minus six, very relaxed. Minus seven, very open. Minus eight. Minus nine, very relaxed, very peaceful. Minus ten, and you hear that ding noise again as the doors open, even though you're expecting to be underground.

Aideen Ni Riada:

As you come out, you're actually in a beautiful tropical forest and there's a lot of birds singing. It's like a cacophony of noise, of noise. You can hear the wind blowing through the leaves of the beautiful shiny, thick tropical leaves, and as you step out, you're stepping onto a pathway that's been laid out before you and you can actually see your name has been written in the pebbles under your feet and you know that that was done especially for you, because this is your, your mind, the treasure within you. This is the depths of you. This is the depths of you, and it's so beautiful and lush and so full of noise and activity, everything that happens automatically within you, being represented by this beautiful tropical forest. The air is a little moist, but perfect for you, just what you would like.

Aideen Ni Riada:

You start walking on the gravel, gently stepping over your name, not to disturb the pebbles that created your name on the floor, and you hear that little crunch of the noise of the pebbles as you walk into this tropical forest and the path is turning. So you're just turning a corner now and walking through an even more beautiful section with tropical flowers and you can start to smell these flowers and it feels like it's so beautiful and it's so rich in beauty and love and calm, and this treasure is what's inside you. And as you walk through, you're allowing your mind wander to all the things you want to create and do in your life and you're feeling the support of this beautiful forest. It's almost like the birds are whispering. You can do it, we want you to do it, we want to see what you can do and as you're walking through the, you're feeling really happy and excited about going back to life, because this is the treasure within you that you're going to bring forward and bring out in your natural life. And as you walk through, you might start to skip or run. You're feeling so excited, so happy. You're feeling so excited, so happy.

Aideen Ni Riada:

And as you turn the next corner, you're hearing the sound of water rushing. You can see now in front of you, just a little bit away, is a beautiful waterfall. It's falling from maybe three stories above you, rushing down into a beautiful deep pool surrounded by the leaves of this beautiful tropical garden. And as you walk towards this water, this water represents all of your creative energy and it's so much and it's so strong and it's so wide and it's so wide. And as you watch it all rushing down, you realize how much potential you have to create and how that flow is happening, whether you let it out in your everyday life or not.

Aideen Ni Riada:

And as you get closer to the waterfall, you see there's a little stone ledge at the bottom of the waterfall that you can walk under the waterfall, between the wall of the cliff and the water. And part of you is going, oh, I might get wet or oh, is it safe. But that excited part of you that doesn't even know how wonderful life can be, yet decides I'm going to go in and see what's in there. And, knowing that no one needs to give you permission in this space, it's all yours. You're walking now under the waterfall, letting your hand reach out to feel the rush of water, as you're feeling the little drips of water all over you just dampening you slightly, and you're stepping. And now, on bare feet, on this lovely stone ledge, and it's quite wide, you don't feel unsafe.

Aideen Ni Riada:

And as you walk in, you see that the ledge turns into a cave. And as you turn into the cave, you see a beautiful ledge that looks like a table, and on the table there are three objects representing three things you want to achieve in your life, things that are important for your soul. And just honing in on one of those things maybe pick the one on the right, whichever is perfect. And as you look at this object, it's becoming clearer what it is more solid, more real, and you're stepping up to it now and you're reading what's on there. You're seeing the details and you're picking it up and understanding what it is for you to do, what it means to you. It's almost like you want to hug this object because it's so precious, this gift, that you want to bring into the world a part of your creativity that you can make real in your everyday life. And as you're holding it, you're realizing that no one needs to give you permission to start and to keep going for this project.

Aideen Ni Riada:

And as you turn to the other objects, you're realizing one of them is one of those egg-shaped egg timers where the sand is dropping through from one side to the other. And as you look at this I'm sure I'm not remembering the name properly but as you look at it, you're noticing that, even though a little piece of sand is dropping down each time, that, as the time seems to run out, it naturally just turns over and starts again. Whatever way it's been created, as soon as the sand reaches the bottom, it tips back around and starts again. And this is representing the fact that you have time and, even though it may seem like it's running out sometimes, that you will be given more. And starting to recognize that you have time is releasing some tension in your body. And this object is representing that it's never too late, you're never too old. It's representing that it's all in good time. And as you touch this object, you're feeling a little buzz of energy flow from it to you, changing the neural pathways in your brain that make you feel like it's too late, and helping you to realize that it's never too late. You always have enough time and today is the perfect day to start. Step by step, you get where you need to go and putting that object down.

Aideen Ni Riada:

We're now going to look at the third object, and this object maybe surprises you because it represents something that you haven't decided to do yet, but when you see it you realize, yeah, that's interesting, I do want to do that. I do see that as part of me, part of who I am, and this is one of the treasures you're going to leave behind in your life. And this is one of the treasures you're going to leave behind in your life and even if you don't see it very clearly, just understand that something that you do in this lifetime will be left behind and it will be held in the hearts of those who knew you and those who may get to know you even after you're not here anymore through others, through your creations and in the many other ways that we can be connected to each other, energetically and otherwise. You're starting to feel very at peace with what's happening and what. You've starting to feel very at peace with what's happening and what you've got to do and what you want to do and what you are, and starting to notice that you feel safe, starting to notice that you do feel that potential within you. You're starting to feel like a new version of you is being created.

Aideen Ni Riada:

And as we walk back out towards the water, there's a small ledge that gets hit by the water and on that ledge you're going to put a small item or two that represents the person you used to be, something you want to leave behind. And if you can't think of a visual for that, just maybe imagine that you're writing it on a little piece of paper. You can just write down. You know the word that represents something that you need to leave behind. Maybe it's just asking permission. No more asking permission. Leave that on there. No more feeling like time is running out. No more imagining that you're alone, no more worrying. Whatever those things are. You're going to just leave those behind and the water of this waterfall will naturally dissolve those things are. You're going to just leave those behind and the water of this waterfall will naturally dissolve those things over time. You're coming out through the waterfall. Maybe this time you're clinging to the edge of the cliff, trying not to get too wet, but as soon as you come out into the light again, it's like you're drying off.

Aideen Ni Riada:

And before we leave the waterfall, just hold out your hands gently and, cupping your hands together, create a little cup of water for yourself and drink some of this waterfall into your body to take with you as we go up the elevator. This creativity, it's gushing, it's so wide. Take a small portion with you to help you in your everyday life. And as we walk back along the pebbles, feeling those maybe you put your sandals back on feeling and hearing the sound of the pebbles and the birds are really loud. As soon as you come out away from the water, smelling the air, beautiful plants, feeling the support of this place.

Aideen Ni Riada:

And now, turning a corner, you see that elevator again and you're feeling very free. You're pressing the button on the elevator and it dings. But as you walk in on the inside of this elevator, suddenly you see palm trees, almost like the images of this place you were in are now around the edges of the elevator. There's a waterfall, there's birds, everything in there you feel like you're taking this creative part of you with you. So you're very happy getting into the elevator, not going back to a dull life. You're very happy getting into the elevator. You're not going back to a dull life, you're going back to a very rich, creative life.

Aideen Ni Riada:

And as you look at the buttons, the buttons are even different. Maybe they're all different colours now and you press the zero at the top and as the elevator moves up, you're just feeling very calm and relaxed and happy, very full, coming up, moves up. You're just feeling very calm and relaxed and happy, very full, coming up, up, up, passing the minus nine minus eight, minus seven, six, five, four, becoming more alert and aware. Three, two, one and up to the top, to zero and the doors open slowly and as you walk out, you're starting to open your eyes and come back into the room, feeling this energy of excitement and bringing your hands together. Keep your eyes closed. You can bring your hands together, feeling this energy of excitement and bringing your hands together. Keep your eyes closed. You can bring your hands together, rub your hands briskly together, creating heat, covering your eyes with your hands, sealing this energy in taking a breath here and then tapping your head and shoulders, chest, back and legs coming back into the room.